For Parents
As a parent, it is only natural that you’ll want to take an active role in your child’s education. At EPIIS we actively encourage parents to engage with their child’s learning. Research has shown that the single biggest reason a child does well at school is the support of parents who take a real, active and consistent interest in their child’s education at home. Conversation is at the heart of positive parental engagement. It’s not necessarily about sitting with your child and helping them with their homework. Every parent, regardless of their culture, language or experience, can talk to their child and show an interest in their learning. By asking questions, listening and encouraging you child with praise and direction, you can reinforce learning and become an active partner in the educational process.
- Parent involvement can take many forms, but only a few of them relate to higher student performance. Of those that work, parental actions that support children’s learning at home are most likely to have an impact on academic achievement
- Monitoring homework, making sure children get to school, rewarding their efforts, grades and test scores.
- Getting parents involved with their children’s learning at home is a more powerful driver of achievement than parents attending P.T.A. and school board meetings, volunteering in classrooms, participating in fund-raising.