Principal's Message

Welcome Message from the Principal
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Dear Parents.
It is with great pleasure that I extend you a warm welcome to the website of East Point Indian International School Ajman! I am delighted to be a Principal of this school where the Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders and the faculty of EPIIS are committed to the school’s Vision. At EPIIS Ajman we are more than just a school – we are a family. Working closely and collaboratively with our parents, we provide holistic education to our students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to go out into the practical world with enthusiasm and confidence.
Our target is to ensure meaningful learning outcomes
through international best practices, using innovative teaching pedagogy. This involves promoting innovation and inquiry in students, coupled with an optimum focus on their personal, social, and emotional development.
It is our earnest endeavor to motivate every student to develop the need, and the desire to seek, to constantly modernize, and to reach newer heights, every day, every moment. To prepare our students to be future-ready, to face the challenges that the unpredictable world of tomorrow shall bring. And in doing so, greet each day with a smile, pursue excellence with grit and rigor, and develop an attitude of compassion and accountability which would then instill a greater quality of leadership.
Learning begins in our foundation stage where play and exploration take center stage. The key stages culminate in the second phase where academic excellence, cultural growth, creative thinking, and individual expression are firmly rooted. We take immense pride in our graduating classes where well- balanced and happy students confidently step out into the world.
We aspire for our students to enjoy their schooling and to build strong foundations for them in the moral, spiritual, and academic expenses of their being. In conclusion, I would like to reiterate our commitment to providing the best possible education and opportunities for our students. We believe in creating an environment that is conducive to learning and growth, and we hope to continue doing so in the future.
Thank you for your continued support.